Do you ever get really bugged? Like something is really niggling at you, churning over and over in your mind.
Something that somebody said or did, something you didn’t say or do, worries about a future outcome, some imaginary future conversation you keep playing over and over in your mind?
I think we can all relate. It’s called “Ego”, and your ego is always far more concerned with being right than being happy.
That’s exactly how my Thanksgiving started off, with a bunch of ego noise that threatened to hijack my gratitude and my attitude for the day. And to make matters worse, my ego was judging me for not being more grateful!
Fortunately I recalled an awesome tool that helped me unplug from the mental chatter and step back into the drivers seat of my experience. It’s called “The Parking Lot.” Watch this short video to see how it works! (And you can check out my new digs!)
Remember, you can’t control anyone or anything else outside of you, but you CAN control how you respond and how much energy you give to things.
If you want to change your experience from one of mental angst and mind-churning to one of presence and happiness, make a bee-line for the Parking Lot!