Have you ever had one of those times in your life where you just weren’t worried about food, and found that you could eat whatever you want without gaining an ounce (or maybe even losing weight)?
Or maybe you went on vacation and indulged in all kinds of awesomeness – stuff that would never pass the “approved foods” test at home – and when you got back you were the same or lighter than when you left?
How can that be possible, when all the nutritional experts say that bread, pasta, cheese, wine, etc. turn to instant sugar and fat in your body? And how come when you’re trying so hard to be “good” by avoiding those foods, it’s such a freakin’ uphill battle?
In my opinion and experience, the reason has nothing to do with the physical properties of the foods we eat at home, but rather a hidden toxic ingredient that we’re consuming on the side.
Here’s a recent “scope” (lingo for a broadcast on Periscope), where I dive deep into this topic.