Have you ever been through a time in your life where – either by choice or by unforeseen circumstance – you found yourself in the position of starting over?
Maybe you unexpectedly lost a job or a relationship, or you reached an inevitable rite of passage, or perhaps after a long road of trying to force something to work you realized it was a lost cause and your only option was to let go and start anew.
Well that’s exactly how 2017 has unfolded for me, as I’ve navigated my way through the end of a long-term relationship, becoming an empty nester, a milestone birthday, and a major re-evaluation of my life and business.
Let’s just say 2017 has forced me to accept that it’s time for not just a new chapter, but a total overhaul – both internal and external.
So much so that 8 weeks ago I sold most of my belongings, loaded the rest into a moving van, and drove it (literally) to a new city to embark on a new chapter.
It was one of those “girl-power” moments as I rolled up the highway in a 16′ truck packed to the hilt with everything I own (which is now down to the contents of a 2-bedroom apartment) rocking out to “Born To Be Wild”. A scene from the movie, as my coach put it. A victory lap. 💪
But under the hood, it was also bittersweet. The end of an era. Saying goodbye to old friends and the shadows of old dreams.
Poignant. Raw. Pregnant with both possibility and pain. That’s kinda how starting over tends to be. 💔
On the plus side, as is so beautifully stated by this quote I received from one of my soul sisters at my going-way party:
“Uncertainty is the most generous source of opportunity.” – Anonymous
So now here I am, in the first home I’ve ever had all on my own (pics coming soon), in a new place, at the start of a new personal decade, with a blank slate before me. And it’s time to decide – what’s next?
And that’s where I need your help.
I’ve been teaching and writing to you about healing your relationship with food for quite some time, which has been hugely rewarding. But the inconvenient truth I’ve been resisting but can no longer deny is, something is missing.
See, after years of working with women who struggle with food (and healing from my own agonizing food issues) one thing has become crystal clear to me:
It’s not about food.
Please hear me when I say this – It’s. Not. About. Food.
So if it’s not about food, what is it?
Here’s what I know:
The REAL reason women struggle with food is because they feel powerless to change SOMETHING ELSE in their life. For example:
Their relationship(s)…
Finding a great partner…
Their work…
Their financial situation…
Their sense of fulfillment…
Just being able to fucking say “NO” once in a while…
All of the above…
They’re deeply HUNGRY for something else, and they don’t know how to get it.
You see, what it’s really about is POWER. And the places we give it away. And understanding it. And more importantly, reclaiming our power in a healthy and authentic way.
I’m talking about the kind of power that has you grab this one life that you have by the lady-balls, stop settling for crumbs, walk through the fear, and go after what you’re truly hungry for. 🔥
THAT’s what I want to teach next.
And I promise you, once you get that aligned, the challenges you experience with food will evaporate.
To that end, I’m conducting research for a new program, and I’m looking to interview single or partnered women between the age of 35 and 55 who experience out-of-control eating and are open to the possibility that there may be something more to it than food.
Not sure? Refer to the list above and ask yourself if any of those hungers ring true for you.
If so, I’d really like to have a deep conversation with you about what you’re struggling with now, what you’re REALLY hungry for, and what gets in the way of you having it. 🙏
This is a totally confidential and totally free conversation – I’m not selling anything – it’s purely an interview for research purposes to help me create a program that’s truly helpful to you and other women like you.
If you fit this description and are open to giving me an hour of your time, please private message me. As a side benefit, you are likely to receive some clarity and healing just for participating in the interview. 💫
If not, I thank you for reading this far and I offer you this question to ponder:
If you could radically start over, what would you want to change in your life?
Please post a comment below and let me know – that would be super helpful too!
With immense gratitude and love ❤️