Fear Less, Love More

Wanted to share this poem by Louise Hay.  Great words to live by, and it came to me at the perfect time!Letting GoTo “let go” does not mean to stop caring,it means I can’t do it for someone else.To “let go” is not to cut myself off,it’s the realization I can’t control another.To “let go”…

Making Fear My Bitch

What are you afraid of? Is it something obvious, like heights or sharks in the ocean? Or perhaps it’s more subtle, like going to a fancy restaurant alone, trying a new line of work… or being really honest with someone you love at the risk of losing them.I was recently struggling with a life-altering decision,…

Anxious Annie

Came across this article on CNN this morning, this gal and I must be on parallel tracks! First off I’ll admit it made me feel better about myself –  I can relate but I’m not quite as bad, I mean, at least I can accept a compliment! Reading the article I was reminded of a…

The Happiest Place on Earth

On a recent trip to Coronado Island, I had set out for a late morning run on a long stretch of beach. It was still slightly overcast, so the beach was empty except for the occasional fellow runner, strolling couple, or family scouring for seashells. As I made my way along the shore, I noticed…