Congratulations on applying for your Action Plan Session!  Please answer a few short questions, then you will be guided to schedule your session.

These questions will not only help me get a better idea of how I can best serve you, they will also help you get more clarity around your food and body image challenges and what you wish to create instead.  The more honest and open you are in your answers, the more you will get out of our time together. All of your responses are completely confidential.

    Your Name (required)

    What is your biggest challenge in relation to food and your body (the thing that makes you want to talk to me)?

    How long has this been an issue for you, and what have you tried in the past to deal with it?

    How have the other areas of your life suffered because of your current relationship with food? (love/sex, career success, finances, happiness, social life)

    When it comes to your relationship with food and your body, what are your main goals, and what do you really want?

    What are some of the biggest blocks, challenges or frustrations standing in the way of you having that right now?

    What is your current age?

    Best email address(required)

    Best phone to reach you

    Is there anything else you would like me to know before your session?

    Thank you!

    Please click here to book an available time for your session: