Happy Friday! I’m taking a little break from our Fearless Friday videos this week, as I’ve been traveling with my kids, and doing something really exciting for my business…
I finally got new photos taken! (Here’s a sneak peek)
I have to confess, I was in BIG resistance around this for a long time, but that’s a story for another day. Let’s just say that I had to pull out all of my Live & Eat Fearlessly tools to face MY fears around being visible and living my purpose in a bigger way.
But it was so worth it!
Just moving through that fear is so empowering. And I can’t wait to share the new images with you. They feel like a much more accurate representation of me and my stand for all women to reclaim their permission to Live & Eat Fearlessly. So it’s great to have that checked off the list 🙂
But today I really want to check in with you on an important question:
What was the last thing you said to yourself about your eating or your body?
If it wasn’t something kind and supportive, it’s time for us to talk.
I see too many women who stay stuck on the endless cycle of dieting and overeating, gaining and losing weight, agonizing over every food choice, and beating themselves up for not being able to control their eating. It literally consumes their life force energy.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
You can absolutely learn to trust yourself with food and have the kind of freedom that comes with that trust. But first you have to know what really works to get you there.
That’s why I’m opening up my calendar next week to offer private Live & Eat Fearlessly Action Plan Sessions for women who are truly ready to reclaim their power with food.
And because I’m so passionate about it, I’ve decided to offer 5 of these sessions to women who qualify… at NO COST.
What this means for you is if you act quickly AND you qualify, I’ll gift you with one of the 4 spots that remain.
In this session I’ll listen intimately to your specific challenges, and you’ll come away with total clarity on why what you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked. Plus I’ll give you personalized strategies and recommendations to start shifting into YOUR peaceful relationship with food, immediately.
This opportunity is right for you only if you’re ready to quit fighting food and your body and discover how to deeply nourish yourself from the inside out.
It’s right for you if you’re truly committed to creating a peaceful relationship with food and your body within the next 3 months, you’re tired of going it alone, and you are actively seeking support to make it happen.
If that’s you, I invite you to apply for one of these transformational sessions NOW, before they’re gone.
There’s so much more that’s possible for you and your life when you are finally free with food!