Make self-care a priority. It may seem selfish to take time for yourself when you have a boatload of responsibilities, but it is really a very “Self-Ful” thing to do. When you nourish yourself regularly you are in a much better position to nourish others, wholeheartedly and without resentment.
Be your own BFF. When you are feeling down, frustrated, disappointed, etc. write a note to yourself in your journal, and say exactly what you wish a close friend, parent or partner would say to you – the exact thing you most want to hear. For example, here’s an excerpt from my personal journal from just the other night when I was getting down on myself for procrastinating on this newsletter!
“Look sweetie, you didn’t feel good today, you are tired and a little sick and it’s your time of the month, and it’s a full moon coming! You don’t have to be perfect/upbeat/positive all the time. You just don’t feel 100% and that’s OK. You worked really hard in January and showed up really powerfully and now you just want to rest and be nurtured by someone else for a bit, which is totally human and OK.” (This worked like a charm, BTW. Plus, no risk of someone else not saying the right thing!)
Practice the Power Affirmation Trio. Take a moment each day to look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and complete the following affirmations:
- Name, I am proud of you for __________________.
- Name, I forgive you for __________________.
- Name, I am committed to __________________.
Shoot Cupid’s Arrow at Yourself. No matter what your romantic status this Valentine’s day, treat yourself to something you really enjoy and that gives you pure pleasure. Perhaps it’s a mani/pedi, a luxurious bubble bath, a really great glass of wine or a special gift or treat. Make the first Valentine you give this year the one you give to yourself, and just watch and see what comes back!